"Life is like a piano, what you get out of it is how you play it"

Monday, June 18, 2012

some shame? too tired?

     Sunday was Father's Day. Jay had his Skype on. He sat near the computer from the end of church to bed-time (11:00). He was called by ONE of his children. This one was surprised that no one had called. A call was sent to a few other of his children, and they wished him a Happy Father's Day. I am not happy about my children's behavior. Are they all near death in the hospital? Have they all had their hands and tongues amputated? Are they sick and keeping it from us?  Have they gone on vacation? How long does it take to type a message and press Send?
     When you "raise" your hand to support someone, that means communication, encouragement, and well-wishing. I hope you will resolve to be more responsible in the future.We are working hard and it really helps to hear from our children. Thanks to the family who e-mails regularly. Is this pay-back time, or forgiveness time?


Sally's Stories` said...

no response feels like being flipped off

Robanske Family said...

I am sorry the day was not better celebrated. I really did have a migraine all day and was in bed. I called when I woke up. I thought you where skyping with someone when I called.

At any rate, I do think of you two often and call when I am feeling up to it. I usually think of calling then don't because I think what I have to say isn't important enough for a missionary to listen to. I'll try to be more regular. I remember the loneliness and emptiness of feeling forgotten while in the service.

BTW I have a package I am getting ready to send. Do you want/need anything???

Sally's Stories` said...

Daddy says more Miracle Whip. Right now I cant think of anything, but I know there are things I want/need. One is another big container of knee high stockings. I have used half of my two years supply already. They keep getting runs in them from my toenails. I DO keep them trimmed (nails), but with all the walking, I have a problem. The Peds socklets dont stay on my heels, so I end up with a wad under my toes.
My main concern is my medications. I have less than a months' supply and Daddy is proving to be rather narrowly focused on his needs. I dont know what to do about it. I need Crestor and Lisinopril. The Lisinopril can be found here, but the Dr. says Crestor cant. I would have to get a year's (or better, yet, 18 month prescription from Dr.Carlson (Budge Clinic) and have it filled through RiteSource. He would have to write the prescription for a 90 day refill and have it approved by our insurance. What a rigamarole just for a few pills, for heaven's sake. Who is going to overdose onI Cholesterol pills???? Wonder what the effect would be to overdose? Lower cholesterol? Yellow poop? Lower blood pressure? Oh no!Then I could stop the lisinopril.
Let me think about wants/needs. I will let you know soon. I would love pics of kids, yards, smithfield, gardens, kids, kids, big kids, primary classes (especially my primary girls)
Loved the pics Annie put on Facebook.
I have been thinking about how we will fit in when we get back. We will be different. Will we have a place? Is this why couples continue to serve mission after mission? Will I even be the same Gma Sally? I will have missed all the little maturing passages that will occur in two years. That is a long time in the life of a little person. Will they even love me? I dont think Lynette's boys will even know who we are. Please include your kids in your Skype sessions. It's the only link we have. If we didnt have Skype, I dont think I could stay away so long.Family is all there is in my life. Nothing else is important, not even music, books, games.....
I love you. I want to buy something for your girls. Will you please take $$ from my account and get them something cute? Tell Lorna the same. And get something cute for Rachel and all the others, too. I want you to spend $20 on each one and get them something cute. Not useful, but cute. As long as it is cute, it can be useful, but useful is secondary.
I finally thought of something you could send: more shirts for me, a tie for Daddy. He put all his ties in the washing machine and half of them were ruined. Please dont sent anything black for me. I seem to have been in a black mood when I packed. I dont have any bright colors. I like girly tops now as long as they are modest.
Daddy just left for the office. He feels guilty (of course). I will stay home, cough, and watch two men paint an entire highrise apartment exterior with paint buckets and rollers. They are on the sixth floor now. The scaffolding seems pretty secure....

Robanske Family said...

I'm crying....I will do what I can to include the kids. I know it's hard but the change in you will turn out to be a change for the better. You'll discover the 'real' you. And you'll like it
Thank you for writing so much, I needed to hear it all.

Lorna said...

I'll work on the medications, Mama. We love you. I'm sorry that others are not responding, but to each his own, I guess. You're house is going to be quite a surprise when you get back...new fridge and dishwasher today. :) I just hope Daddy doesn't die of a heart attack when he sees his bank account and the house!!