NAME: The Crazy Lady
FROM: Escondido, California
DATE MISSING: Monday, July 28 2008
LAST SEEN: "Utah Vacation"
DATE OF BIRTH: September 6
AGE: not too old and younger than her age
HEIGHT: taller than Leighann but shorter than Lynette
HAIR: brown
SEX: probably...she has four kids!
WEIGHT: none of your business...skinny...that is all you need to know
EYES: hazely green
DESCRIPTIVE FEATURES: Double jointed knees, pencil lead in eye brown, no ear piercings or any other bodily piercings (that I know of)
If you have any information or know where she might be please contact us immediately. She has been know to frequent other blogs, leaving comments but her specific whereabouts are unknown.
REWARD: A generous reward has been offered by her parents of salt, garden fresh vegetable, family group sheet and insect identification. If found blogging fresh homemade bread is included with the aforementioned reward.
Okay, okay. So this week has been additionally crazy. Seriously, I had no time to make a 15 minute phone call. I'll fill you in... promise. We'll be coming to Utah October 13ish. Arianna has an appointment with the craniofacial team there. Details later.
I have seen her! She was in the vicinity of Logan, Utah, a few months ago. She had an accomplice, a good looking, youngish man. Occasionally she was seen in the company of several young girls. I hear that at times she will load all her stuff into her car and run away from her house, especially if there is thick smoke in the air.
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