"Life is like a piano, what you get out of it is how you play it"

Thursday, August 28, 2008

New Short Story titles 8/20/08

I've come up with the titles to two new short stories. The first, about the day I met my new friend Joan Ruckwardt will be entitled "Celery?". The second, relating our experience in Vancouver will bear the title "Crack-whores and Kinder eggs". Don’t you think these are compelling titles?


Janet said...

They would be compelling if anybody else knew what you are talking about. Please explain.

Janet said...

Janet DIDN'T say "they would be compelling if anybody else knew what you are talking about.

That comment came directly from your beloved son, Robert.

Leighann and Jamie said...

The highlight of the trip to Canada was driving down hastings street. Literally littered with crackwhores. It was astonishing to everyone that there are people in this world, closer than you think, that are living with drug addiction and it is an obviously scary and disgusting and pathetic lifestyle.
Kinder Eggs long story short we spent an hour and a half in Costco check-out trying to buy candy. We didn't realize/remember we needed cash because they don't take American debit, and Costco only takes Costco AMEX cards. ooops. Stay tuned for details.

Robanske Family said...

I think that even without knowing the story I'd want to know what crack whores and kinder eggs have to do with one another. Definitely two things we did not expect to be related to each other on our trip to Canada